this resin is not currently in stock, it is available cast to order
Torran is $305.00 US Free shipping in the US
A non-refundable deposit of $50 is required
Dawn is breaking; steadfast and bold, Torran trots out to meet the new day. This stallion’s name in Scots/Irish means “from the craggy hills”, reflecting his rugged spirit. Though his name comes from Celtic lands, he reminds me also of the Pryor Mountain Mustangs I visited in the spring of 2016.
A sturdy large pony or small horse in type, this 1/8th scale (“traditional” scale in model horse terms) resin is not strictly breed-specific and will be enchanting in a full range of colors and patterns. He is removable from his base for ease in painting, shipping or long-term storage.
Torran was first made available to collectors in a limited time cast-to-order offering during the summer of 2016. Additional resins are cast from time to time and offered for sale. Subscribe to the newsletter for updates and collecting opportunities!